Jack Granato has been a coach for the Ducks since the Fall of 2021, and is mainly involved with the Boys Class of 2031. Jack is the head coach of the Marshfield Boys C.O. 2031 Travel Team. Prior to coaching basketball, Jack was the boys tennis coach at Pine Acres Tennis Club In Wethersfield, CT from 1998 to 2004 and the Head Coach of the Watkinson High School Boys Tennis Team in Hartford, CT in 2004. Jack played tennis at Stonehill College, was the 2004 captain and Northeast 10 conference player of the year, and in 2017 was inducted into the Stonehill College Athletics Hall Of Fame. Professionally, Jack is a partner at Cetrulo LLP in Boston, MA and lives in Marshfield with his wife Andrea and three children, Charlie, Jackson and Ella.